I'm reading through the Bible one chapter at a time with some friends and we've agreed to keep each other accountable to read each day. Why? We all just want to know the Creator better. Why don't you join us?
Well, having completed his mission, Nehi returned to Persia and to his king. But, not for long. Nehi requested leave to go back to Jerusalem a short time later. On his return, Nehi was disappointed to find that the oath these people had made not long before had already lost its meaning.Already the people had "forgotten" the covenant they made and were involved in intermarriage, working on the Sabbath, and more. Nehi got right to work:
30 So I purged out everything foreign and assigned tasks to the priests and Levites, making certain that each knew his work. 31 I also made sure that the supply of wood for the altar was brought at the proper times and that the first part of the harvest was collected for the priests. Remember this in my favor, O my God.
You can almost sense his frustration. His prayer is simple and direct - remember this in my favor. What can you say about these people? After all they've been through - begging forgiveness, obtaining favor from God again, blowing it and starting all over - again and again.
Kind of reminds me of .... me.
Thank You for your continued mercy and grace, Lord.
peace, e
Posted by Jaqua (Jāy 'Quāy) on Sunday, August 13, 2006 at 12:50 PM |Permalink