He IS in control - John 7

Here it is again! Jesus is making it clear that we have less to do with all this than we might think.
Jesus secretly attends the festival of shelters - a celebration that occurs about 6 months after Passover where the Jews stay in tents to remind them of theeir days in misery in the wilderness. After a bit, he is found in the Temple teaching. Soon, the leaders try to have him arrested, but no one can touch Him:
30 Then the leaders tried to arrest him; but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come.
Do you see the power being displayed for us here? Look at these verses:
45 The Temple guards who had been sent to arrest him returned to the leading priests and Pharisees. "Why didn't you bring him in?" they demanded. 46 "We have never heard anyone talk like this!" the guards responded.
Do they think they can actually do anything out of turn or without permission of God? They clearly have no idea who He is.
Once again, I'm made more aware of my limitations and of the mighty power of God. His plan will be carried out. The Jewish leaders think they are acting all of their own, but this is the plan that has been begun. They are simply fulfilling the scriptures.
I'm so thankful to have been called by God. I'm thankful that He knows my future and has plans for me. I know He has given us free will and we do make wrong choices, but because of what Jesus did - and all the difficulties He went through that we read about in books like John, we can have the victory. He IS in control.