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« Home | Famous last words - Mark 16 » | "Never!" - Mark 15 » | What a night - Mark 14 » | "Just say what God tells you to." - Mark 13 » | Forgive - Mark 11 » | Concerning Divorce - Mark 10 » | "...only by prayer & fasting" - Mark 9 » | Yeast in my bread! - Mark 8 » | "Farceful" Worship? - Mark 7 » | Soil Test - Mark 4 »

Tomorrow we start reading Revelation!

Tomorrow we start our reading of the book of Revelation.

I don't know about you, but I'm very excited about this. I've never sat down to read the book - probably just because I've always "heard" how difficult it is to understand.

I feel compelled to ask you to pray about really digging in with us as we read it. I don't know what to expect, but we've got lots of wisdom in our group. More importantly, I think we've got some real "listeners" who rely on the Holy Spirit to interpret for us.

So, take courage fellow dBraggers! This is going to be a real adventure. Don't miss this chance to read through Revelation. There are only 22 chapters, so in three weeks we'll be done. We Need You!


• Set aside a time during the day when you can read through the chapter with a minimum of interruptions.

• PRAY FIRST! Ask the Holy Spirit to show you something in your reading, then meditate on what you read.

• Don't read the other dBraggers' emails first, send your thoughts before. It's interesting to see what different topics get covered from the same chapter.

• It's okay to read the footnotes in your Bible, and even to reference them occasionally, but the group is more interested in hearing what YOU have received from reading, not Mr. Strong.

• If you have questions, then put them out there - often someone in the group will have answers. If not, we can all research it together.

• Don't get intimidated by others' postings. Some people are really good at weaving in real-life experiences, others have a great background in scriptures, others tend to ramble on a bit. Still others just put in a sentance or two. It's all about allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you. Don't feel there's a minimum or a maximum, just listen and "say what God tells you to."

• If you have to skip a day, just pick it up on the next chapter the next day. Then, if you have time, go back and catch up on the chapters you miss.

I appreciate each one of you and I pray that God will bless you beyond your dreams for your faithfulness to the reading and discussion of His word. He will!

See you in The Book!


P.S. - Do you know other friends or family members who might enjoy dBraggin'? Send them the link (
www.dBrag.org) you never know what God might do.

Stop. Think. dBrag.


About me

  • I'm Jaqua (Jāy 'Quāy)
  • From Tampa, Florida, United States
My profile

Reading Schedule

9/22/2006 - Esther 10
9/23/2006 - Psalms 24
9/24/2006 - Psalms 25
9/30/2006 - Psalms 31
10/1/2006 - COMING SOON!
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