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« Home | Separation Anxiety - Joshua 22 » | Ths Promise Fulfilled - Joshua 21 » | Take the Land - Joshua 18 » | Just Ask! - Joshua 17 » | Lack of Follow Through - Joshua 16 » | Kissin' Cousins - Joshua 15 » | The Cost of Disobedience - Joshua 7 » | Right Away, No Delay! - Joshua 6 » | So the World Will Know - Joshua 4 » | Bring Out The BIG GUNS! - Joshua 3 »

What's Next?

We're coming to the end of Joshua and many of you have been asking where we're going next.

So, after much prayer and counsel, I am excited to announce the dBrag map for the next two months:

June 16 - June 30, 2006: Psalms (up to chapter 26, see specific schedule below)
July 1 - July 31, 2006: Proverbs

Why Study Psalms?
  • Because of its prominance of the Bible - it's the longest "book" of the Bible, the most often quoted OT book in the NT.
  • Because of its distinguished authorship - (through the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit) David, Moses, sons of Asaph, Solomon, the sons of Korah, Ezra
  • Because of their influence and dominance in the worship of the church, and it's history
  • Because of their power to enrich our spiritual lives, with divine inspiration
I've had many requests over the years to do Psalms together, but it was challenging to fit into the dBrag model because some chapters have only a few short verses, but others have over 100 verses. I know it's not about the number of verses we read, but remember - the dBrag model is specifically designed for those who lack discipline of their own, and for those who have found it difficult to have a consistent time in God's Word every day. Consider it a kind of "baby steps" method to Spiritual maturity in reading the Bible. Therefore, having to read/study more than 20 to 30 verses may very well take some of us out.

If you're bothered by that, perhaps you need a different model. As always, I want to encourage you to go beyond dBrag in your personal studies of the Scriptures. Many dBraggers also read a proverb a day along with their dBrag chapter. Many read a good Christian book by a reputable author along with their dBrag studies. I encourage you to do whatever God is leading you to do to increase your wisdom and knowledge of Him and grow closer to Him.

Not to try to make things complicated, but I've come up with the following schedule to help keep with the model of 20 - 30 verses per day:

6/16/2006 Psalms 1-2
‏6/17/2006 Psalms 3-4‏
6/18/2006 Psalms 5-6
‏6/19/2006 Psalms 7-8‏
6/20/2006 Psalms 9-10
‏6/21/2006 Psalms 11-12‏
6/22/2006 Psalms 13-14
‏6/23/2006 Psalms 15-16‏
6/24/2006 Psalms 17
‏6/25/2006 Psalms 18‏
6/26/2006 Psalms 19-20
‏6/27/2006 Psalms 21‏
6/28/2006 Psalms 22
‏6/29/2006 Psalms 23-24‏
6/30/2006 Psalms 25-26‏

What about the rest of the Psalms? We will continue with Psalms later, perhaps on the other side of July (God willing).

For the month of July, we'll be reading a Proverb chapter per day. Whatever day it is, just read that Proverb. For example, on July 1st read Proverbs 1. On July 2 read Proverbs 2, etc.

Final Thoughts
Many of you suggested that one of the ways you like to spend time with God is with Worship. Since we're studying the first 26 chapters of Psalms, I'd like for you to consider ways to incorporate worship into your dBrag routine - let us know what you come up with!

Thanks for your faithfulness!



About me

  • I'm Jaqua (Jāy 'Quāy)
  • From Tampa, Florida, United States
My profile

Reading Schedule

9/22/2006 - Esther 10
9/23/2006 - Psalms 24
9/24/2006 - Psalms 25
9/30/2006 - Psalms 31
10/1/2006 - COMING SOON!
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