I Believe! - John 20

As we begin to wrap up the book of John, my thoughts turn to how it must have been in those times. I started thinking about how cül it must have been to be living, walking and talking with Jesus. How different would it be to have actually seen Jesus heal the sick and raise dead people to life? How would I be changed if I had seen His body there on the cross? Would I need proof, like Thomas had to feel the wounds himself? Would I have run and hid, like Peter, and denied Him to protect myself?
Then, I read in John 20 where Jesus talked to Thomas about this:
29 Then Jesus told him, "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who haven't seen me and believe anyway."
And, I read where Jesus breathed on them the Holy Spirit:
22 Then he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit."
And, I realized that what Jesus said in chapter 16 - that it's better that Jesus left so we can have the Holy Spirit. I got all giddy when I thought about the fact that God has made it possible to live INSIDE OF ME! Guys, we will all be rewarded for our faith in Jesus - because we've never seen Him, yet we still believe. And, the best part is, it's not even about the rewards, they're just an added perk!
Thank You, Jesus, for all You've done and for all You went through to redeem us. I believe in You, Lord!