I'm reading through the Bible one chapter at a time with some friends and we've agreed to keep each other accountable to read each day. Why? We all just want to know the Creator better. Why don't you join us?
You know, what's so good about our God is how He can deliver to us exactly what we need exactly when we need it. Today's chapter has proven to me again that He knows exactly what I'm going through and knows exactly how to handle the situation.
There are three powerful parables in this chapter:
1) The story of the ten bridesmaids 2) The story of the traveling man with 2 wise and 1 foolish servant 3) The sheep and the goats
All of these have to do with being prepared and being good stewards with our time, our treasure, and our talent. As I read this chapter over a few times, it really hit me how important it is to have things in order; to be ready at all times.
peace, e
Posted by Jaqua (Jāy 'Quāy) on Friday, February 24, 2006 at 10:33 AM |Permalink