What's Next?

I felt strongly about Exodus because while I was praying about this back in the end of March, I kept hearing about the children of Israel from everywhere - in church, on TV, on the radio, from friends discussions. I knew we needed to go there next. And, it has been fascinating and very informative. Thank you all for your insights and your emails. I have learned much about myself and my "wandering" tendancies.
This time, I'm hearing "Joshua" the same way. I'm excited about learning what treasure is hidden in the book of Joshua.
But first, let's take a look back at Ephesians. It's a short book, and I feel the need to understand about the importance of the armor again.
So, here's the schedule for you dBraggers and Bible readers for the next few months:
May 17, 2006 - Start reading Ephesians
May 23, 2006 - Start reading Joshua!
June 16, 2006 - TBD
July 1, 2006 - It's a SURPRISE!!!
You know the benefits of daily Bible reading. Renew your commitment and jump back in there. God rewards the faithful.
Thanks for joining me on this journey.