Intimacy with God - Psalms 13 & 14

I am so blessed to have a few close friends that I can be myself to. They have known me long enough to know my heart. They know the background behind what I say and how I say things. I don't have to carefully select my words, I can just say what I'm thinking. I know that if I cross a line, they will lovingly let me know. But, because of my relationship with them, I am free to be myself.
In this chapter, I'm a bit uncomfortable when I read David's tone in this Psalm. He is really telling God how he feels. Once again, I'm reassured that it's okay because of David's intimate relationship with Him. The simple fact that I feel uncomfortable is a sign that I need to continue building intimacy with my heavenly father.
The other thing I notice is how David's complaining quickly turns to praise and rejoicing. In only six short verses David goes from crying out to God, complaining that He's forgotten him, to remembering all the good things God has done.
There is much to learn in these short verses in Psalms 13. The encouragement today is to continue to seek Him and to become more and more intimate with Him, and to always remember the good things He has already done. I will continue to nurture my relationships with my God-given friends as well as I need them to encourage me during the hard times and kick my hind-end when I stray.
Psalms 14
In this Psalm, there is more encouragement to grow in our relationship with Christ. David writes that God is looking about on the earth for one with understanding:
2 The LORD looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if there is even one with real understanding, one who seeks for God.
Lord, thank You again for Your Word. Please speak to me today and show me how to grow in faith and understanding.