Guard me, Hide me, Protect me - Psalms 17

Instead of taking matters into his own hands, David cries out to God for help; for refuge. There are several things that stand out in David's prayer to me this morning:
1) "Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from an honest heart." Are we honest when we talk to God? It's not like He already knows our heart anyway. I believe that is one of the keys to David's relationship with God - he was honest with Him. Not afraid to complain or cry out, David never seems to hold back or mince words when talking to God. I could learn from this. As I mentioned before, it shows the level of their inimate relationship. It's what God wants with each of us.
2) "...for I am determined not to sin in what I say." David considers his words carefully as He speaks to God. Clearly he is not without sin completely, none of us can be, but he makes careful consideration for what he is saying; again with the honesty.
3) "But because I have done what is right, I will see you." I believe because of their intimate relationship, David knows who he is in God. He knows where he stands with Him. If you read David's story in I and II Samuel, one thing that stand out clearly is that David prays to God about everything: "Should I go here, Lord?" "Should I eat this, Lord?" "Should I wear this?" Every little decision was taken to God (especially early in David's life) - as if He was standing right there with David.
4) "Guard me as the apple of your eye. Hide me in the shadow of your wings. Protect me from wicked people who attack me, from murderous enemies who surround me." Guard me. Hide me. Protect me. David recognizes God for who He is, our protector and defender. David is not afraid to cry out to God for refuge, even though he is considered a great warrior and leader. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord.
5) "When I awake, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face to face." This says it all. David, even in the midst of such vile persecution, is fixed on God and not his own dismal circumstances. He declares that God is all he needs to be satisfied - even for just a glipse of God's glory.
Seek Him today! He is all you need.