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A Youth Who Lacked Judgement - Proverbs 7

Solomon obviously felt that his son had lust issues, or at least he observed this to be a big problem among the young men around him and he felt compelled to try to warn them against the dangers of lust and prostitution. He dedicates much of the first chapters of Proverbs to this warning. As I read this chapter, a story of a young man who got caught up in the seduction of a prostitute, I wondered how it all started. I looked back at the beginning and I saw these words:
6 At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice. 7 I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment.
As with any sin, it starts out simple enough - sometimes innocently. Once we partake of a little bit, we want more, and the cycle begins. It doesn't have to be lust.

I'm reminded of Edmund in The Chronicles of Narnia and his temptation with Turkish Delight. Once he tried a little piece, he lost his judgement. He betrayed his siblings. He eventually gave up everything to have more.

Solomon, realizing the highly addictive nature of sexual sin, repeatedly warns young men of the dangers involved. He stresses the importance. He demands they listen to him. He does everything he can to make sure they understand how dangerous sexual sin is.

There is a reason for this. How much easier is it for a young man to resist that initial temptation that seems so innocent than it is for a man to escape from years of continued submission to seduction. Solomon is right in warning young men before they get tangled in it. He looked out his window and observed a young man who lacked judgement.

What are we doing to help young men understand this danger? How do we help them obtain this ability to discern the danger and take a different path?

The good news is the God is bigger than lust. He is bigger than any sin and He does deliver. He does not want anyone to become ensnared and He certainly does not want anyone to remain there. He has made a way to escape through a relationship with Him, accountability, and discipline. Like anything the enemy can throw at us, He can overcome sexual addictions, too.

There are a number of ministries dedicated to helping people (not just men) escape from the bondage of sexual sin. For more information, here are a few links you can check out:


Lord, release Your Holy Spirit to draw men and women back to You who have become trapped in sin - not just sexual sin, but anything that keeps them from an intimate relationship with You. Pour out Your healing on our land, God. Restore what the enemy has stolen from Your people. Bring people to read this who need help, then send Your help and healing as they read. Bring people into their lives that will help them out, then hold them accountable as they heal - as You have done for me. Thank You, Lord, for healing. Thank You for delivering me.



About me

  • I'm Jaqua (Jāy 'Quāy)
  • From Tampa, Florida, United States
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Reading Schedule

9/22/2006 - Esther 10
9/23/2006 - Psalms 24
9/24/2006 - Psalms 25
9/30/2006 - Psalms 31
10/1/2006 - COMING SOON!
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