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Long Live the King! - Psalms 21

As I read these Psalms of David, I try to find out or imagine what might be going on at the time they were written. The story of David is still one of my favorite passages in the Bible. He went through so much but kept his eyes on the Lord. In spite of his problems, David had a great relationship with God - to the point God called him "a man after my own heart."

Today, I notice how David wrote this Psalm in the first person - as if perhaps to be sung as a song by his people. I try to imagine the people in that day who had the priviledge of having David as their king. There must have been certain protocols and traditions and I'm sure lots of singing, since David was a musician himself. I remember seeing in medeival movies (even the recent "Lord of the Rings") how the people would often shout, "Long live the king!" How interesting that David provides songs for them to sing to God about himself.

1 How the king rejoices in your strength, O LORD! He shouts with joy because of your victory. 2 For you have given him his heart's desire; you have held back nothing that he requested. 3 You welcomed him back with success and prosperity. You placed a crown of finest gold on his head. 4 He asked you to preserve his life, and you have granted his request. The days of his life stretch on forever. 5 Your victory brings him great honor, and you have clothed him with splendor and majesty. 6 You have endowed him with eternal blessings. You have given him the joy of being in your presence.

It got me thinking about my own "kingdom." As a father, I am the prophet, priest & king of my family. What better way to proclaim your faith and your love for God than in a song - how much more to provide your own people a song to sing to God about your own thanksgiving and praise.

I want my kids to know of my faith and my thanksgiving to God. We should make up more songs and sing them to God together...

What ways do you and your family praise God together?



About me

  • I'm Jaqua (Jāy 'Quāy)
  • From Tampa, Florida, United States
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Reading Schedule

9/22/2006 - Esther 10
9/23/2006 - Psalms 24
9/24/2006 - Psalms 25
9/30/2006 - Psalms 31
10/1/2006 - COMING SOON!
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